Educator Empowerment Program
Enark Certified Courses
Evaluation and Assessment
9 Courses

Meaning and Significance of Evaluation and Assessment

Types of Assessment (Part 1)

Types of Assessment (Part 2)

Communication with Parents

Report Card and Organising Parent Meetings

Assessment in the Context of NEP

Use of Assessment for Research

Documentation (Part 1)

Documentation (Part 2)
Preschool, Organisation and Administration
16 Courses

Importance of Songs and Rhymes in ECE (Part 2)

Meaning and Significance of Foundational Years (Part 2)

Organising Field Trips and Home Visits

Importance of Songs and Rhymes (part 1)

Scheduling Routine and Lesson Plan

Equipment and Materials

Classroom Management and Organization

Indoor and Outdoor Environment

Festivals and Celebrations

Issues and Challenges in ECE

Importance of Early Years

Concept, Objectives and Significance of ECE Program

Meaning and Significance of Foundational Years (Part 1)

Early Involvement in Children

Significance and Various Types of Preschools

Infrastructure in Early Years
Language Development in Early Years
10 Courses

Concept and Language Development with Music (Part 2)

Activities and Games to Teach Language (Part 2)

What is Phonics and Importance of Teaching Phonetics

Whole Language Approach

Emergent Literacy

Language and Phonics

Concept and Language Development with Music (Part 1)

How Language Development starts in Children ? (Part 1)

How Language Development starts in Children ? (Part 2)

Activities and Games to Teach Language (Part 1)
Child Development
19 Courses

Principles of Development(Part 2)

Concept of Growth & Development

Prenatal Development (Part 1)

Physical and Motor Development (Part 1)

Physical and Motor Development (Part 2)

Components of Language Development

Components of Social Development (part-1)

Components of Social Development (Part-2)

Cognitive Development

Developing Fine Motor Skills

Creative and Aesthetic Development

Improved Bilateral Coordination

Prenatal Development (Part 2)

Components of Emotional Development (Part 2)

Components of Emotional Development (Part 1)

Child Development in Early Years

Principles of Development(Part 1)

Nature And Nurture : Heredity and Environment

Remembering, Thinking, Concept Development
Language Development
7 Courses

What is Phonics and Importance of Teaching Phonetics

Development of Language from Birth

Importance of Reading Readiness

Whole Language Approach

Multilingual Teaching

How Language Development starts in Children ? (Part 1)

How Language Development starts in Children ? (Part 2)