Educator Empowerment Program
Enark Certified Courses
Children with Special Needs
7 Courses
Roles of Rehabilitation Council of India and National Trust
Physically Challenged and Impairment
Neurological Disorder
Introduction to Special Needs
Government Programs for Children with Special Needs
Technology for Special Children
Play in Early Childhood
7 Courses
Storytelling In Preschool Classrooms
14 Courses
Using Storytelling to Engage Young Children (Part 1)
Using Storytelling to Engage Young Children (Part 2)
Importance of Storytelling In Early Years (Part 1)
Importance of Storytelling In Early Years (Part 2)
Stories - When and How (Part 1)
Stories - When and How (Part 2)
Skill Sets in Storytelling (Part 1)
Skill Sets in Storytelling (Part 2)
Skill Sets in Storytelling (Part 3)
The Storyteller
Children as Storytellers
Connecting with Songs and Puppets (Part 1)
Connecting with Songs and Puppets (Part 2)
Developing Compassion In children Through Stories
21st Century Skills
16 Courses
Effective and Upgraded Use of Technology (Part 2)
Building Confidence in Children (Part 2)
Time Management (part 2)
Effective and Upgraded Use of Technology (Part 1)
Crisis Management
Conflict Management
Time Management (part 1)
21st Century Skills – The 4 Cs
Listening Skills
Communication is the Key
Life Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Building Confidence in Children (Part 1)
Communication and Collaboration
Team building
Leadership and Team Work
Curriculum Planning
35 Courses
Objectives and Principles of Curriculum Planning (Part 2)
Importance of Scissor Skills (Part 2)
Music and Movement in ECE
Meaning & Principles of Curriculum Planning (Part 1 )
Meaning & Principles of Curriculum Planning (Part 2)
Lesson Planning In Early Years (Part 1)
Lesson Planning In Early Years (Part 2)
Theme - based Curriculum
Innovative Teaching Practices
Classroom Management Techniques (Part 1)
Classroom Management Techniques (Part 2)
Classroom Managment Techniques (Part 3)
Reflective Practices
Overview of Curriculum Planning
Brain Breaks
Theatre and Drama In Early Years
English as Second Language
Preschool Wall - A Learning Tool
Teaching Aids
Types of Teaching Aids
Developing Reading Habits in Children
Importance of Reading Readiness
Importance of Writing Readiness
STEM in Early Years Classroom
STEAM Education in Early Years
Science Experiments
Setting Up A Discovery Classroom
Child-centred and Teacher-centred Classroom
Importance of Scissor Skills (Part 1)
Approaches to Reading Readiness
Getting Ready to Write
Project Method and Theme - based Curriculum
Developmentally Appropriate Practices (Part 1)
Objectives and Principles of Curriculum Planning (Part 1)
Preschool Management
11 Courses
Reports and Records (Part 2)
First Aid
Parent and Community Involvement
ICT in Early Years
Reports and Records (Part 1 )
Importance of Maintaining Reports and Records
Field Trip
Safety and Security in Preschools
Roles and Responsibilities of Personnel in ECE (Part 1)
Roles and Responsibilities of Personnel in ECE (Part 2)
Emotional Intelligence
21 Courses
Socio – emotional Development
Emotional Intelligence Skills
Neuroscience Behind Emotions
Understanding Common Emotions in Children
Enhancing Emotional Literacy in Children
Emoconnect – The New Paradigm (Part 1)
Emoconnect - The New Paradigm (Part 2)
Emotions in Emoting
Transition from Family Environment To School
Emotional Literacy - Pleasant Emotions (Part 1)
Emotional Literacy - Pleasant Emotions (Part 2)
Emotional Literacy - Unpleasant Emotions (Part 1)
Emotional Literacy - Unpleasant Emotions (part 2)
Understanding Emotional Hijack and How to Prevent (Part 1)
Understanding Emotional Hijack and How to Prevent One (Part 2)
Developing Empathy In Children
Developing Emotional Self Awareness
Skills for Mentally Strong Children
Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
Creating an Environment for Affective Education
Approaches in Early Education
23 Courses
Indian Approaches in Early Education (Part 2)
Indian Approaches in Early Education (Part 1)
Western Approaches in Early Education (Part 1)
Western Approaches in Early Education (Part 3)
M.K Gandhi
Maria Montessori
Teaching to Multiple Intelligence (Part 2)
Western Approaches in Early Education (Part 2)
Theories and Approaches - Piaget
Introduction to Multiple intelligence (part 1)
Friedrich Froebel
Significance of Approaches in ECE
Gijubhai Bedheka
Theories and Approaches - John Dewey (Part 1)
Theories and Approaches - John Dewey (Part 2)
Reggio Emilia
Theories and Approaches - Chomsky
Theories and Approaches - Vygotsky
EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage
Te Wahriki
Highscope Curriculum
Theories and Approaches - Erikson
Theories and Approaches - Steiner